Three First Graduates of BIPA Study Program

A total of three students of the Master of Indonesian Language Education Study Program have successfully carried out a thesis trial which was held on January 30, 2023. The thesis trial held this time became a very special moment because finally the BIPA Master Program managed to have its first graduate.
The three students who attended the thesis session included Fani Fajrini, Choirul As’ari, and Amirush Shaffa. The three students are registered as the first and second batch of BIPA Education Master Program students.

In the exam, Fani Fajrini presented a thesis entitled “Development of Cross-Cultural Folklore Enrichment Materials with a Text-Based Approach for BIPA 4 Korean Learners”. The four-month thesis was supervised by Dr. Yulianeta, M.Pd. & Dr. Halimah, S.Pd., M.Pd. During the preparation of the thesis, Fani faced difficulties, namely dividing time between teaching full time and working on the thesis. The second difficulty faced was defeating herself because she had to sacrifice many things such as me time and relaxing with friends. However, all forms of difficulties were successfully defeated due to the help, guidance, and direction of the supervising lecturers.

Unlike Fani, Choirul As’ ari, who successfully compiled and presented his thesis entitled “Development of Electronic Module for Speaking Skills of BIPA 1 with Communicative Approach for Children Diaspora Learners”, faced challenges when conducting a needs analysis. Ari, Choirul As’ ari’s nickname, had to send questionnaires to three parties, namely parents, diaspora children, and BIPA teachers. Ari had to work hard to contact parents and children one by one to fill out the questionnaire. In addition, Ari found out that not many BIPA teachers had taught diaspora children, so not many questionnaires were filled in. However, Ari’s hard work paid off thanks to the help and guidance from Dr. Nuny Sulistiany Idris, M.Pd. and Dr. Suci Sundusiah, M.Pd. as supervisors.

An interesting story also came from Amirush Shaffa who managed to complete his thesis within six to eight months. The thesis, which was prepared since a year earlier, was guided by Dr. Nuny Sulistiany Idris, M.Pd. and Dr. Suci Sundusiah, M.Pd. The thesis entitled “Development of Interactive Enrichment Materials for Listening Skills for BIPA 3 with Indonesian Tourism based on the Scaffolding Approach” was finally examined in the thesis session on January 30, 2023. The interesting experience felt by Shaffa, Amirush Shaffa’s nickname, is that time feels very fast so he really has to finish the thesis immediately. Similar to Fani, Shaffa also worked hard to divide his time between working on his thesis and completing his work, which went hand in hand.
These three graduate profiles are not only a motivation for students who are currently studying or working on their thesis, but also a source of pride for the study program. Hopefully the knowledge and experience gained by the three graduates will benefit the study program, colleagues, the community, and the world of BIPA.