Promoting Learner Engagement through Interactive Learning at Huntingtower School Victoria

by Vietcia Meiruly

In an internship program organized by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), Regional Centre for Quality Improvement for Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Language (SEAQIL), in collaboration with UPI Graduate School (SPS UPI), and Huntingtower School Victoria, Australia. I was given the opportunity to be one of the teachers.
This internship program aims to expand the knowledge, skills and enrich the teaching experience of BIPA teachers. I am very excited about this opportunity and hope that I can make a valuable contribution in the effort to improve the quality of BIPA teaching.During this internship program, I was involved in teaching activities at Huntingtower School directly. Although the class was held online, I tried to keep the class lively and not boring for the learners. As a result, during this internship program I learned a lot about effective BIPA teaching practices that are still interesting and fun. In addition, I was also involved in discussions and collaborations with other teachers who participated in the program. This provides an opportunity to exchange experiences and learn from each other.
The use of technology in the classroom at Huntingtower School Victoria has been an important factor in supporting my learning base. The use of technology not only benefits the learners, but also the teachers. In the BIPA learning process, technology can help teachers to provide learning materials in a more interesting and interactive way. With technology, teachers can utilize various kinds of learning resources such as videos, images, and audio to help learners understand the material better. In addition, technology also makes it easier for teachers to monitor learners’ progress in learning and provide immediate feedback.
In addition to these benefits, the use of technology in the classroom also provides benefits in increasing learners’ engagement in learning. In conventional teaching, learners often feel bored and less interested in the learning material presented. However, by utilizing technology, teachers can create a more interesting and fun learning atmosphere. This can certainly help the learners to be more interested and excited in learning.
Online platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Canva, Quizlet, Kahoot etc. are very helpful for teachers like me in conducting distance learning. Microsoft Teams is an application that allows real-time collaboration and communication, can be used for meetings, file sharing, and provides emojis. All in one place that is open and accessible to everyone. Canva is a graphic design platform used to create social media graphics and presentations. These two applications are enough to make learning interactive and fun if the teacher can utilize their features in the learning process well.
The use of these technologies can be integrated with various learning models that suit the needs of the learners. For example, when my students were learning to improve their speaking skills, I invited them to play a game on Canva called Define it! The trick is to make them choose a vocabulary word about a specific topic for example; food and they have to ask their friends to define the word. The learner who is asked will write four to five vocabulary words related to the topic on the canvas provided. Canva can be used as a shared whiteboard as the link can be shared with learners simultaneously, learners can also access the teaching material and add their writing in real-time.

Promoting learner engagement is an important aspect of effective LIPA teaching. When learners are engaged in their learning, they are more likely to remember information, develop critical thinking skills, and actively participate in the classroom. Interactive lesson planning is a teaching approach that emphasizes active participation and collaboration among learners. It involves designing lessons that incorporate a variety of activities and methods to engage learners, such as group work, discussions, hands-on activities and technology integration. With interactive lesson planning, teachers can create a learning environment that encourages learners to learn from each other, ask questions and share ideas.
At Huntingtower School Victoria, I use various techniques to encourage learner engagement through interactive lesson planning. One of these techniques is through collaborative learning. Group work is a key component of interactive lesson planning, where learners are placed in small groups and work together to complete a task. In this way, learners can learn from each other, develop communication and teamwork skills, and build strong relationships with their peers.
Technology integration is also an important aspect of interactive learning at Huntingtower School Victoria. The use of technology in the classroom can be a powerful tool to encourage learner engagement. Teachers use interactive whiteboards, online resources and educational apps to create a dynamic learning environment that captures learners’ attention and helps them understand complex concepts. Interactive lesson planning has the important benefit of helping learners understand the material better. Through hands-on activities and shared discussions, learners can use the concepts they have learned in real situations. This helps learners see how relevant what they are learning is and strengthens their connection to the material.
Interactive lesson planning is also beneficial in accommodating diverse learning styles. Every learner has a different way of learning, and interactive lesson planning provides opportunities for them to engage with the material in different ways. For example, more visual learners may benefit from the use of diagrams or videos, while more auditory learners may benefit from group discussions or presentations. Thus, this approach helps learners learn according to their own preferences. Moreover, interactive lesson planning also plays a role in shaping a positive classroom culture. When learners are actively involved in the learning process, they tend to be more motivated and enthusiastic in attending class. This results in a positive and supportive learning environment where learners feel comfortable to ask questions and share ideas. In such an atmosphere, learners feel valued and recognized, allowing them to grow and develop better.
Overall, the use of technology integrated in classroom interactive learning at Huntingtower School Victoria provides many benefits for both learners and teachers. In the learning process, technology can help teachers to deliver learning materials in a more interesting and interactive way, while learners can become more interested and excited in learning. In addition, the use of technology in the classroom can also prepare learners to face future challenges and obtain better opportunities in the world of work.
I am grateful to SEAMEO, SEAQIL, SPS UPI, and Huntingtower School for this opportunity. I have committed to undergo this internship program with full enthusiasm and take advantage of every opportunity given to me. I am confident that this has been a valuable and beneficial experience for my professional development.

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